“While looking over the Seine, I made myself a promise: from now on, I’m only doing what makes me happy!”
At the age of 24 I had it all: the boyfriend, the house, the cat, the job. But a couple of weeks after my birthday it started crumbling down. The boyfriend and I broke up (we concluded that a life at a 7 wasn’t good enough for us), and we put the house for sale. While crashing on a friend’s couch, my boss called that he made a financial mistake and couldn’t extend my contract. Within a couple of weeks I was homeless and jobless.. What now?
Then this advertising popped up on my Facebook. A family with 3 kids looking for an au-pair for 3 months in Paris. I felt that this was the right thing for me to do. I packed everything I owned in my car and drove to France. The 3 months became one year, France became China, then Spain, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Mexico, etc.
While traveling for the past 14 years, I’ve discovered my life, my passions, and even my husband. Now looking back I realise that this challenging time at 24 years old was actually the beginning of a whole new life. A life full of opportunities, personal growth, discoveries, experiences and a great bunch of new friends.